Monday, 16 January 2012

Channel Surfing: ‘Betty White’s Off Their Rockers’

Channel Surfing: ‘Betty White’s Off Their Rockers’.What is the best way to breathe new life into a tired idea television? Not address the generation Betty White, apparently.

Monday evening, after a 90-minute special birthday celebration MS. White 90th, NBC has given a test of "Off Their Rockers Betty White," who raised gimmick hidden camera as "Candid Camera" television brought more half-century ago. The problem is that the gags were all executed by the old.

The show, however, often seemed more interested in proving that older people know what the Internet is that in providing a decent joke. He was tried for a stylish older power (the Twisted Sister song "We will not take it" seemed to be its anthem), but some of the routines did not exactly help the image of the hair Grey - for example, a woman driving a motorized trolley behind pedestrians and screaming a shrill sound to them.

Other times, the bits were too aggressive in the other direction, trying too hard to break stereotypes. (An old gent said he expects foreigners for its honey and they still have a sex life hot when she finally shows up, she is a hot young thing.) Those who have worked had the best glide and mind, like the original "Candid Camera". two old sitting on either side of a young woman and, without provocation, start doing the wave. Does it look oddly? Yes, it will. Does it, and then join? Yes, it will.

The network said it could give the show a regular slot. If so, addition, and less pandering to the audience of over-70, please.


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