Friday, 6 January 2012

‘Portlandia,’ Season 2 Premiere: TV Recap

‘Portlandia,’ Season 2 Premiere: TV Recap.Season 2 Premiere of Portlandia takes waiters and parents helicopter, while Carrie finds true love.

Carrie and Fred opened on a table in the Mint, a bar. Fred has a beer, but Carrie comes to the table empty handed. "I could not decide what to order, so he said, 'I'm going to do something." It is a bartender. "

They chat as we watch the bartender, played by Andy Samberg, to prepare beverages Carrie. Fred realizes that the waiter is watching Carrie, Carrie, and thinks it knows from the camp. The recipe calls for shredded celery and three spirits (light brown and two).

Andy is in charge of drinking and explains: "It's a shot of bourbon with honey ginger-based tea and ice lemon chard. After building this foundation, we have cherry tomatoes, lemon zest. In fact, I Bitter was the same at home. "Carrie is impressed.”We have egg whites, egg shell, egg yellow. Rotten banana."

Chances are that's worthy of a menu somewhere in Brooklyn.

Fred is the best drink and Carrie have had, and Fred says he has to answer. "He mixes a drink. Now I mix tape."

We cut to a river where a couple, Kath and Dave, are preparing to drag the raft full of things in the water. But first they have to go over some safety rules.

Kath asks if they brought enough material.

"No," Dave answers, "but that's what nature is all about. We left all our stuff back."

Uh-oh. Some people line the river. And some of them have beer! One even has a floating barrel. Kath is so worried about the beer that she falls into a tube and is carried away by the river, where the waist ends in water.

Dave cannot remember any of the signs of their security, so that from the bank, write a message and sends it down the river on a bottle of water, just in time for Kath to get back to the shore behind him.

Back at The Mint in the morning, is that Andy has left Southern California to work at a bar called WindJammerz. (Carrie, "Who moves out of Portland"), so Carrie, Fred and the tape is mixed in a taxi and go to Southern California.

When they arrive, the sun is too much for the skin and eyes from Oregon, so they buy burqas and left on foot. That litters the burqas in a restaurant, Around the World in 80 plates, when they are too hungry to continue.

The restaurant is not easy: "Do you want your slam burger in traditional sesame bread, a taco, French bread or rolled in a naan?"

You can also add a lobster to anything they have it all wrapped in a tortilla or simply pour Jack Daniels over all things. Carrie wants its sides covered with Jack Daniels, because she needs a kick, but when they learn that they will have 40 minutes to get their food, Fred and Carrie just take a bit of bread from another table and leave.

And then we're back in Portland to women and women first bookstore, where Candace and Tony are hot.

Air conditioning repairmen into the store and want to know where the unit, but the words "unity", "box" and "team" Toni feels violated.

However, a technician manages to find the problem, not only without offending women by addressing them as "honey" and "ma'am". Candace and Toni wants you to pay a couple of books, including one that Candace says it is "a vivid description, lively than it is to be a woman."

All seems well, as Toni Candace and enjoy the air conditioning repair until the repairers want to get paid $ 300. They manage to get about $ 28 in store.

We cut to a gateway. A woman answered the doorbell to a teenager asked him to sign a petition to ban plastic bags in Oregon, but you want to read the literature first.

A couple of time the bell saying that, the child was his son, and wants to try again, as he coach. The woman still not buying it.

Second couples ring the bell. They want to know why will not sign the request of his grandson, and she still will not sign.

Back in the family car, the child is secured in a car seat, and all decide to go for ice cream.

In California, Fred and Carrie have reached WindJammerz, a strong club. Andy wears a pink neon shirt and neon sunglasses, and throwing shots. Carrie makes her way to the bar with his mix tape, but to no avail.

"I do not remember," said Fred. "He is not only a bartender more. He's just a waiter".

But Fred has a plan: Carrie Andy has to remember the way it was in the field together. She sings a song about the field and plays the flute Fred bread. Andy ditches sunglasses and joins in.

"I made to drink because I love you," says Andy.

Agrees to return to Portland and wondered if you can hear the mix tape in the car. "All the way," Carrie promises.


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