Saturday, 7 January 2012

Girl Scout Cookies: The Latest Controversies

Girl Scout Cookies: The Latest Controversies

.Warner's latest book is that we have issues: children and parents at the age of the medication.

Girl Scout cookie pre-orders will begin on Friday in my area, and retail sales may soon come to a place near you. But before you prepare your checkbook, hear this:

• Did you know that behind these enterprising free, healthy, green-clad young entrepreneurs is an organization that promotes communism?

• Did you know that their "Your Planet - Love It" "trips" are funded by the destruction of the Amazon rainforest?

• Did you know that for too many of our fellow hungry, their thin mints are nothing less than the discs of Death? ("Cookies or The Killers?" Request a petition entitled "Stop the Girl Scout Cookie Lie.")

(PLUS: Girl Scouts Introduce new cookie)

I knew none of this - although he served in the Girl Scouts for six years. Despite my having recently surpassed the ranks of gluten-free. But now, thanks to Fox News, a website called Speak Now, which is allegedly co-edited by two young scouts recovery, and a brief overview of the various links and petitions, the Do-Si-DOS fell from my eyes. I learned the shocking truths:

• Some Girl Scout cookies contain palm oil.

• Girl Scouts of educational materials based flattering destroy the family Marxism-promotion, "same-sex lifestyle"-array chip shops as Betty Friedan, Simone de Beauvoir and Billie Jean King.

• Those hazelnut, butter, flour "trafficking" actually contain allergens - the presence of which means that (up to) 10% complete (if you're really, really included) of our population will be excluded from national rite this year to make us sick of Thin Mints.

(PLUS: Warner: The Battle Well-Bake-Sale)

Scouts and apparently do not care.

"As with all treats, they should be eaten in moderation", the page of the National Organization of Cookie Web Questions viciously ridicule those who are concerned about obesity, preservatives, corn syrup rich in fructose, free trade zones, diabetes, low carb diets and successfully living their "whole wheat, no wheat, no dairy, dairy, vegan, sugar free, gluten free, organic, low carb, low calorie, low fat, no fat, no fat, etc..”Lifestyle, as the organization puts it, with a broad brush ruthless about reading nutrition labels and make" informed choice ".

Is it good enough for an organization with a mission meant to change the world?

"The story of human interest is not enough for them - there are many Scouts as my daughter, who sell cookies, many mothers of troops like me who have to support their troops, and they cannot eat the cookies "were the words of Stacy heartbreaking Malinow, a gluten-free diet mom from Long Island, NY, who last season biscuit, appeared on Fox Good Day New York, with her daughter very embarrassed, Elle, who has celiac disease or gluten intolerance.”It was not enough for the girl scouts to learn."

She, who was 7 years old at the time of its debut TV, have sold over 300 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. However, she said Good Day New York, Rosanna Scotto, she has tasted once.

"And then what happened?" Scotto asked, his voice and affect indistinguishable from those of Mike Myers anchored Coffee Talk old Linda Richman. ("They are not even say, a box they will do for you, gluten-free? ")

"Nothing," replied the child.

Warner, a former columnist contributing to The New York Times, is author; most recently, we have Got Issues: Children and parents at the age of the medication. The views expressed are solely his own.


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