Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Jon Huntsman's New Hampshire Primary Finish Means Tough Road Ahead

Jon Huntsman's New Hampshire Primary Finish Means Tough Road Ahead.MANCHESTER, NH - A third place finish in New Hampshire was much better than Jon Huntsman, was scheduled for a few days ago, but it may still be far short of what it needs to continue his campaign.

The former governor of Utah is facing an additional set of problems which confronted him as he campaigned almost non-stop in the state where he staked his campaign. Here, we had to convince voters to ignore the national polls that have been ignoring it and pursue their own tendencies Maverick. South Carolina - where he hopes to capitalize on a split among conservatives and make the environment as the new alternative anti-Mitt Romney - and beyond, we have to do without the latest retail or land use.
It will also have to do while trying to reclaim the momentum of a good return for the third place winner.

It's not like Huntsman described the situation to his raucous party here.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think we're in the hunt," Huntsman said, hundreds of supporters in a rousing "Join the Hunt" song.

In his speech, Huntsman has sought to contrast with the rest of the Republican field for the tribute he paid to the old party politics and New Hampshire voters by giving the individual attention they demand.

"We've proven the point that the state wants its candidates to win it the old way, which is the handshake of the soil by handshake, conversation by conversation, vote by vote. We succeeded, ladies and gentlemen, "he said.

Take more than 170 public events here; as it entered the race, Huntsman relies on his long and intense slog on the ground presence to deliver a strong performance primary for him. His showing here also hinged to the large number of independent voters in the state - the exit polling showed 4 of 10 unaffiliated voters were a record number - to give a critical boost.

But the factors that Huntsman was in third place here will not be on the other hand, if he continues to South Carolina - where he is scheduled for Wednesday for a series of events - and later in Florida.

While the former Governor and Ambassador has worked tirelessly in New Hampshire, ahead of all his Republican rivals, he spent time just focused on the rest of the state map at the beginning, and has little infrastructure in place in South Carolina. And in September, lagging in the polls and low on money - Huntsman moved its headquarters from Florida presidential campaign to New Hampshire, staking his entire campaign on finishing upset in the first-in-the nation -primary.


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