Friday, 20 January 2012

Newt Gingrich’s Lambasting Of John King Follows A Popular Line Among Republicans

Newt Gingrich’s Lambasting Of John King Follows A Popular Line Among Republicans.The exchange of fire with Newt Gingrich John King at night showed GOP debate Thursday is an old piece of political wisdom: It is never a bad idea to run against the press, especially if you happen to be a Republican.

Gingrich drew applause Thursday night wild and comments approval of many conservatives, after the launch of the explosion to the king, and by proxy the news media after the CNN host asked Gingrich about the allegations that his ex-wife asked him to accept the case, it was to have during their marriage.
"I think the destructive cycle, the negative nature of most media news makes it more difficult to govern this country, more difficult to attract good people to run for public office," said Gingrich to a standing ovation during the forum in Charleston, SC "And I am appalled that you begin a presidential debate on an issue like this." Later, he added, to more applause, "I'm tired of the media elite to protect Barack Obama, attacking the Republicans.

The King was unavailable for comment, but he defended their cause after the debate in an interview with CNN journalist Anderson Cooper. "I was covering politics for 25 years," the king said Cooper. "I realized that if I asked the question, it would not be happy with it, and that he would turn on me.

Politicians - Republicans often, though not exclusively - have also criticized the press in trade television for decades, and excoriation of the king Gingrich is likely to be among the best in recent memory.

"The list includes, among others, petulant comments of Richard Nixon that the press did to him" to bully "after losing his bid for California governor in 1962, and sentencing famous Vice President Spiro Agnew media as" moguls flattered negativity "in a speech in 1970.

Former CBS presenter Dan Rather might deserve its own category as a political punching bag press. On the contrary, as the White House correspondent, when asked his reaction to President Nixon when he was asked whether he should resign or be removed during the Watergate crisis. Nixon responded, "Well, I'm glad we do not take the vote of this piece, let me say."

George HW Bush had his own stock with rather stormy during the presidential campaign of 1988. When Rather repeatedly tried to corner the then vice-president about his role in the Iran-Contra, Bush cut him off and responded with a reminder about an embarrassing episode in his career Rather, when the host stormed off the set after his program was truncated by a tennis match. "I do not think it's fair to judge my whole career by a rehash on Iran," Bush said in the interview. "How would you like it if I judged your career by those seven minutes when you walked off the set in New York?"

Bush-like exchanges rather, that stimulated the Bush presidential hopeful after disappointing result in the Iowa caucuses this year, Gingrich vs. King may be more an interesting video on YouTube.

As many analysts have noted in the minutes and hours since he was a potential game-changer for Gingrich's candidacy, giving his campaign a shot of adrenaline at a crucial time. Among other things, Fox News host Greta Van Susteran commented moments after the debate Gingrich's response was "peeled the skin of" King.

Gingrich response may have played in the long history of distrust of conservative media bias and its alleged left.

"The Republican voters are cheering Newt media insult the answers in part because they do not appreciate the inordinate power of the media in the political process," said Tim Graham, director of media analysis for the Center for Research Media, a watchdog group of conservative media. "They are not the moderators. They aspire to be more powerful than the voters. They want their "conventional wisdom" to harden and their "scoops" to move the polls. They want to intimidate the candidates leave the race before most voters the chance to have their say. They are a bit smoky room candidates pressure, the more they quit. "

According to Mr. Graham, Republican voters returned the "odious and morally smoothing" your many questions, such as those posed by Fox News commentator Juan Williams, who challenged Gingrich on Monday during the debate on what the candidate has done about African Americans and the poor.

"Nobody is asking [journalists] to release their tax returns," says Graham. "No one asks them about their marital behavior. Above all, the Republican voters returned the majority of journalists are Democrats, and to go much smoother in their questioning of Democrats in the primary debates. "


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