Monday, 23 January 2012

Republican Debate: Mitt Romney-Newt Gingrich Fight Flares, Then Fizzles

Republican Debate: Mitt Romney-Newt Gingrich Fight Flares, Then Fizzles.Mitt Romney was a face to face assault against his main rival in the growing debate on Monday night in Florida, calling Newt Gingrich as "influence peddling" he had to "resign in disgrace" of the House of Representatives.

In the first minutes of debate, Romney quickly went on the offensive, accusing the man who defeated him in the primary South Carolina the weekend of being unscrupulous, unreliable and simply ineligible.

"I think [the election] on leadership. And the president gave him the opportunity to be the leader of our party in 1994. And at the end of four years, had to resign in disgrace," said Romney. "In the 15 years after leaving the speakership, he had been working as a peddler of influence in Washington. And during those 15 years I have helped turn the Olympics, he helped start a very successful turnaround in the state of Massachusetts. "

Romney maintained throughout the first half of debate, criticism Gingrich for being reprimanded by his GOP colleagues in the House, to make money as a defender of Freddie Mac and teaming up with Nancy Pelosi to talk about global warming.

It rose to a kitchen-sink attack a man who rose from the defeats in Iowa and New Hampshire to become a mortal threat to Romney's candidacy. Romney's aggressive behavior recently made it clear that he sees as a threat Gingrich in Florida and nationwide.

Remains to be seen how the sudden change of attitude Romney debate play with voters who had previously been to try to maintain a position above the fray, which seemed to wait for general elections.

Romney struggled to maintain the intensity of their criticism for the duration of the night, as the debate shifted to the Florida-specific issues such as subsidies for sugar and half a decade-old Terri Schiavo.

The sometimes volatile Gingrich maintained his composure during an attack by Romney, responding with a combination of ridicule and scorn visible content.

"I'm not going to spend the night trying to go after Governor Romney misinformation," Gingrich said in the beginning of the debate. "This is the worst kind of politics trivial."

But against shock followed by Romney, Gingrich began to strike back, complains that Romney was practicing dirty politics and go after the record for the Bay Stater as party leader.


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